
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

A new edition of Google SEO Starter Guide 2010

About 2 years ago google had released the guide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for beginners that have been translated into 40 languages. This time Google re-released the latest edition of the SEO Starter Guide (repair and addition of material from before). For the owners of websites, blogs or webmasters who want to optimize their website at through the search engines, then this SEO guide may be a mandatory reference.
In this latest version, in addition to repairs, there are additions to the material. New information include:

* List of terms and definitions used in this panduaan.
* More examples to help understand its contents
* Various ways to optimize websites for mobile devices
* Writing a word that increasingly diperjelaa
For those who do not know what SEO Starter contents of this guide, here are some things that are described in detail the width to 32 pages in this PDF:

1. SEO basics
2. Improving Site Structure
3. Optimizing Content
4. Dealing with crawlers
5. SEO for Mobile Phones
6. Promotions and Analysis
By studying this guide, then the owner of the blog / website can further optimize their website to perform better in search engines. For those not familiar read English may have to be patient to wait for the Indonesian edition, because this guide is only available in English.
Download the SEO Starter Guide 2010 eBook (4.2 MB)

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